Brett Favre
Brett Favre
Gender | Male |
Age | 44 |
Hair Color | Brown |
Occupation | Football Quaterback |
First Appearance | Summer Sucks |
A former NFL Quaterback for the Green Bay Packers and later a quarterback for the New York Jets and Minnesota Vikings with a career lasting nearly two decades, Favre is most famous in the South Park world for being the focus of Mr. Hat's Thousand Island Dressing-filled sexual fantasies, according to Herbert Garrison. He and Mr. Hat later encountered each other inside of a sauna, just as Mr. Hat had always fantasized.
About 17 seasons later Favre was brought back up by PC Principal for clapping his hands like he was washing dishes at Caitlyn Jenner's Woman of the Year Award.
Memorable Quotes
- "Hi. I hasn't seen you in here before." (Summer Sucks)
Featured Episodes
- Summer Sucks (s02e08)
- Stunning and Brave (s19e01)