Season | s18 |
Episode | e04 |
Written By | Trey Parker |
Production Code | 1804 |
Original Air Date | 2014-10-15 |
Episode Chronology
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Timmyâs idea to raise money for the summer camp has everyone in South Park trying out the latest trend in transportation. Timmyâs success makes him a lot of enemies and a bloodbath of epic proportions is on the horizon.
As Gerald and Sheila Broflovski leave a movie theater, some friends tell them that they have hired a Handicar, a new service owned and operated by Timmy Burch. The Handicar is Timmy's motorized wheelchair pulling a decorated wagon behind it. Meanwhile, a South Park resident rides in a taxi driven by an angry Russian driver who complains that taxi service has been declining, as Timmy drives by in his Handicar. Also, a Hummer salesman cannot get customers to come to his sales event, as nearby pedestrians are instead picked up by Timmy.
A group of disabled children are fundraising for summer camp, and Timmy is the leading fundraiser due to his Handicar business. But Nathan, along with his sidekick Mimsy, doesn't want to go to summer camp, and decides to end Handicar. When a group of taxi drivers and the Hummer salesman meet, Nathan suggests they take out Timmy. The taxi drivers break into Timmy's bedroom and break his legs, which fails since Timmy is already handicapped. Nathan calls Timmy and offers to become a Handicar driver, but he plans to sexually harass the first female passenger he gets in order to shut down Handicar. Nathan sexually propositions a female passenger, but the passenger is a cross-dressing male who rapes Nathan in a restroom. Gerald and Sheila hire a Handicar, but they get a normal driver who discloses that Timmy has expanded to anyone who can get a wheelchair and a "handi-cap" (referring to the hat worn as part of the driver uniform). Multiple people are now drivers for Handicar, as Nathan delivers a line reminiscent of Matthew McConaughey's celebrity endorsement of Lincoln Motor Company.
A Tesla event hosted by Elon Musk flops, as the audience only wants to know about Handicar. Musk is met by Nathan and Mimsy who suggest that Handicar be proven inferior to Tesla. Nathan and Musk drive up alongside Timmy and challenge Timmy to a race as a fundraising event. Other vehicle groups join in the race and the news reports the return of the Wacky Races, which have been banned due to their brutality. Timmy is unsure about the race, but the other Handicar drivers (now joined by Matthew McConaughey) convince him that it will be best for his fundraising.
The Wacky Races begin and the competitors are: a Lyft car, a Zipcar now driven by McConaughey, the angry Russian and his taxi, the Hummer salesman in a Hummer, Elon Musk with Nathan and Mimsy in a Tesla D (equipped with technology that parodies Professor Pat Pending's Convert-a-Car), Canadian actress Neve Campbell in a pink car with square wheels powered by queefs (who resemble Penelope Pitstop), Timmy and his Handicar, a Japanese self-driving car, and the Wacky Racers characters Dick Dastardly and Muttley. South Park residents watch the live coverage.
The race rules are to race to a passenger waiting to be picked up and then cross the finish line with the passenger to win. After multiple cartoon incidents in the style of Wacky Races are referenced, Dick Dastardly and Muttley cut down a tree, causing multiple cars to crash, but Timmy picks up the passenger and avoids the roadblock. Nathan, Mimsy, and Musk close in, as Nathan attempts to detonate a bomb placed on Timmy's car, but a fleet of Handicar drivers run the Tesla off the road. Nathan and Mimsy steal Dastardly's car and pass Timmy, but as Nathan activates the bomb, instead the Zipcar is blown up causing McConaughey to be thrown into a wormhole, as Mimsy has planted the bomb on the wrong "fake, soft-spoken douche bag that everyone loves". Timmy wins the race.
Timmy sells the rights to Handicar to Elon Musk for $2.3 billion, making the summer camp fundraiser a huge success. At home, Nathan finally tells his mom directly that he does not want to go to summer camp. However, his mom fakes being unable to understand Nathan, as his parents have already planned a trip to Italy without him.
Memorable Quotes
- "Timmy!" Timmy Burch
- "Shut up MIMSY!" Nathan
- "Not enough People taking Cab" Russian Cabbie
- "We HATE camp, Mimsey. The singing. The competitions, Jimmy Valmer getting all the chicks." Nathan
- "Oh yeah! And don't forget last year at summer camp you got raped by a shark! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha!" Mimsy
- "Shut up, Mimsyyyyy!" Nathan
- "Hey I got an idea! Why don't you guys just make YOUR cars cleaner, and nicer, and try to be better to YOUR customers so that you can compete with Handicar's popularity in the marketplace?! " Mimsy
- "I AMMM Lorde. LAWDY LAWDY LORDE." Randy Marsh
- "It's simple. If you're a sheep herder and a snake is killing your sheep, you just need to have the snake get sued for sexual misconductâ¦" Nathan
- "Sometimes you gotta go forward by going backward. Are we driving cars or are cars driving us?" Matthew McConaughey
- "This is very difficult mom, but, um, you know how every year I go to summer camp? Well, I hate it. I hate it and I don't want to go anymore." Nathan
- "If you're a sheep herder and there's a snake taking away your sheep. What do you do to the snake?" Nathan
- "Let me give you guys a hot news flash. If you wanna hurt a crippled kid you don't bweak his fucking leeegs!" Nathan
- "I'm tellin' ya, Gerald having a "handicap" is a great way to make some money on the side." Stephen Stotch
- "It's very simple. If you are a sheep herder and a snake is killing all of your sheep. How do you get rid of the snake?" Nathan
- "Wacky Races?! HOLY SHIT!" Randy Marsh
- "All I know is... If Dastardly and Muttley are up to their old tricks there's gonna be a lot of violence todayâ¦" Randy Marsh
- "He doesn't want to go to summer camp this year. But I'll be dammed if he's gonna ruin our Italy trip!" Nathan's Mom
- "Only a few more guitar licks left in Rocktober guys!" Hummer Salesman
- "So... Let me ask you a question. Would you like to see my dick?" Nathan
Behind The Scenes
Character Art: Timmy's Lil' Zipper
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Timmy's character art needed to be modified to include his new Lil' Zipper trailer.
Character Art: Nathan
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Any time you see a character beat up, dirtied or disheveled- it requires new art
Character Art: Dick Dastardly and Mutley
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Storyboard Art: Nathan's Handicar
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This shows the production process -- from 'boards to character design -- for Nathan's Handicar look.
Character Art: Handicar Wardrobe
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Timmy got a wardrobe update for his Handicar company.
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This was the first scene Trey wrote for this episode.
Character Art: Elon Musk
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Check out this art made for Elon Musk and his new "Tesla D".
Character Art: Matthew McConaughey
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This shot of McConaughey required special poses & a wheelchair with a steering wheel... He just likes how it feels.
Prop Art: Canadian Queef Car
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Art (like this Canadian queef car) often goes through several rounds of changes before approval.
Prop Art: Wacky Races Map
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Many elements of the "Wacky Races" here were hand-drawn by our artists, like this map.
Prop Art: Cars
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"Wrecked" versions of each car needed to be created for the battles in Wacky Races.
Character Art: Matthew McConaughy
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A special "frazzled" version of Matthew McConaughey was made for this scene..
Pop Culture References
- Ben Affleck appears TWICE in this episode: on the movie posters, and later as a guest on Jimmy Fallon.
- "Wacky Races" was a Hanna-Barbera cartoon from the 60s. Each episode featured 2 races, with Dick Dastardly & Muttley as villains.
- Nathan and Mimsy are an homage to the old Looney Tunes villains Rocky and Mugsy.
Bonus Factoids
- Counselor Steve, Mimsy & the Lake Tardicaca kids debuted in "Crippled Summer".
- This is the first time EVER that Timmy's last name "Burch" has been said in the show.
- This was the third episode to not include either of the four main boys.
Easter Eggs
Timmy's Teddy Bear
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Timmy's teddy bear has a wheelchair too.
Looney Tunes
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There's a poster on Nathan's wall of Rocky and Mugsy.
Season 18
- e1 Go Fund Yourself
- e2 Gluten Free Ebola
- e3 The Cissy
- e4 Handicar
- e5 The Magic Bush
- e6 Freemium Isn't Free
- e7 Grounded Vindaloop
- e8 Cock Magic
- e9 #REHASH
- e10 #HappyHolograms