Tom Hanks
Tom Hanks
Gender | Male |
Age | 57 |
Hair Color | Black |
Occupation | Actor |
Religion | Greek Orthodox |
Voiced by | Matt Stone |
First Appearance | Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls |
A film actor famous for his iconic roles in such films as Forrest Gump, Toy Story and Castaway, Tom Hanks also starred in the film Me and Mr. Hankey, which premiered at the South Park film festival. Eric Cartman hates his acting, but he's aware of Hanks' popularity, using Hanks and Beyonce's names to orchestrate the Red Robin Wedding two years later so the kids could all get Xbox Ones. He later appeared via hologram in The Washington Redskins' Go Fuck Yourself Christmas Special.
Featured Episodes
- Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls (s02e09)
- Titties and Dragons (s17e09; mentioned)
- #HappyHolograms (s1810; cameo)